Advent Coming Toward Us: A Conversation on Gebser with Cynthia Bourgeault and Marcella Kraybill-Greggo
Photo by Endel Kallas
On Monday December 21, 2020 Cynthia Bourgeault sat down with Marcella Kraybill-Greggo on zoom to have a conversation about the work of Jean Gebser. This conversation came into being through the desire to share with the larger Wisdom Community how the Gebser teaching has come 'toward us from the future' for such a time as this.
This 2020 year has held THREE new teachings for our Wisdom Community...each a seeming surprise and each coming with a particular heft and leavening call.
First the Azize practices arrived in Spring (right after the COVID 19 shut down).
Second, Cynthia's Eye of the Heart Imaginal teaching arrived in book form and in a Wisdom school in summer.
And now this fall the Jean Gebser teaching has arrived.
Cynthia shares with us how all 3 teachings have 'come to us from the future' and that as Wisdom Seekers our hearts have been prepared for each of these teachings.