Videos and Podcasts
Videos and Podcasts from Wisdom Waypoints
Wisdom Waypoints is the primary curator of Cynthia’s videos and podcasts and hosts a rapidly growing collection.
What About Evil: A Video Conversation with Cynthia Bourgeault
In this conversation recorded February 23, 2023, community leader Mary Ann Evans speaks with Cynthia Bourgeault on the topic What About Evil, summarizing the Encounter with Evil Wisdom School held in California earlier that week.
Exploring the Encounter with Evil from a Wisdom Perspective
In this recorded conversation, Cynthia introduces us to a Wisdom perspective and approach for exploring evil, a topic she with expand on over the coming year.
Cynthia’s Eastertide Invitation: The Community Conversation Continues – Event Recording
In conversation with the Wisdom Community, Cynthia Bourgeault provides further reflections and responds to a number of questions arising from her Eastertide practice challenge.
Cynthia’s Eastertide Invitation: More Questions and Responses – Event Recording
Cynthia Bourgeault provides further reflections and responds to a number of questions arising from her Eastertide practice challenge.
Cynthia addresses the Wisdom Community
Wisdom Waypoints (formerly Northeast Wisdom) hosted its first Wisdom Practice Day on August 28, 2021. This video contains Cynthia’s opening remarks about the state of the Wisdom Community.