A free, 8-day online event featuring over 55 world-renowned meditation teachers exploring the rich breadth and depth of meditation across various traditions and practices. Cynthia Bourgeault will present live on day 5, January 27, speaking on Centering Prayer and its role in spiritual deepening. Lifetime access of all videos, transcripts, audios, plus additional content is available for purchase.
Online streaming begins Tuesday, January 23rd at 7:00 am EDT USA. Across the week, world-class speakers will share their insights, knowledge, and methods to help attendees:
Develop awareness and liberating insight, freeing yourself from dualistic confusion and patterns of reactive suffering
Stabilize your mind and practice through calm abiding and focused attention practices
Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity, and happiness
Develop self-compassion through loving kindness and mindful self-compassion practices
Utilize powerful strategies for managing stress and transforming anxiety, traumas, addictions, and depression
Experience profound samadhi, bliss, and ultimate freedom through deep meditation practice
Directly experience your true nature and being through direct awakening practices
Rewire your brain for healing and thriving through meditation and compassion practices
This event is hosted by Heart Mind Institute.